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Article: SYNAPSE
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13th July 2023
SYNAPSE concludes successfully a training course on 'Leadership and Management of Collaborative Research Projects' organized along with Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
The leadership and efficient Project Management is a discipline of growing importance in the Research & Development field due, among other factors, to the increase of funding opportunities for collaborative projects at the European level.

In this context, SYNAPSE designed a training course addressed to researchers and managers involved in collaborative projects, both from public and private institutions. The objectives of the course were, mainly, to provide key concepts related to strategic project management; to showcase tools to face and guarantee the success in the conceptualization and execution of the projects; and to approach the specificities of R&D European projects and their particular issues.

The course tackled a wide range of issues related to the coordination and execution of collaborative projects, from conceptual aspects related to leadership, efficient team dynamics and the project life cycle to more technical aspects such as legal and financial particularities as well as dissemination and exploitation aspects.

The participants were actively engaged in these sessions and achieved an excellent assessment.

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