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Article: eTRANSAFE
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28th June 2022

The first face-to-face meeting of the project since2020 was held in Barcelona in June 2022, featuring the First Edition ofthe eTRANSAFE Awards.

Adrián Rodrigo, Enric Bousoño,Fabián Avilés, Antonio Pérez, Miguel Ferreira (GMV), Nicolas Bosc (EMBL-EBI),Frank Bringezu (Merck) – Winners of the 1st eTRANSAFEAwards.

The eTRANSAFE partners gathered for the 15thConsortium Meeting in Barcelona on Thursday and Friday 9-10 of June 2022.

eTRANSAFE focuses on translational safety evaluationand aims to provide in silico solutions for identifying when and by how muchthe preclinical toxicological observations can predict clinical adverse drug reactions. Inthe close to five years of project duration to date, the consortium has beenbuilding a series of IT modules as a response to these challenges, with acentral platform called ToxHub.

The main aim of this first face-to-face meeting since2020 was to showcase the latest advances of the platform and foster interactionbetween the developing team and end-users. This was accomplished through aseries of interactive use cases and workshops, which the meeting participantsfollowed from their laptops.

Synapse was in charge of the event organization andcoordination, also leading plenary sessions on project management andsustainability aspects.

Inari Soininen, Senior Project Manager at Synapse,says:

“As the first face-to-face meeting in over two years, the 15th CM was an important milestone for the progress of the project activities, allowing to foster meaningful exchanges between consortium members. Our role as organizers was to provide an adequate setting and technical and organizational framework to support these interactions. We are happy to have contributed to what has been evaluated as a very productive and successful event by the participants.”

One of the meeting highlights was the eTRANSAFE Awards ceremony. In this first Edition, three awards were granted to consortium members who had made outstanding contributions to the project in three categories: Outstanding Individual Academic Contribution (Nicolas Bosc, EMBL-EBI), Outstanding Individual Industry Contribution (Frank Bringezu, Merck) and Outstanding Team Contribution (GMV). The awardees collected their gifts and diplomas on stage, to the sound of applause from the consortium members.

We congratulate the Award winners and thank all the meeting participants for making the 15th CM a successful event. Looking forward to seeing everyone again for the next edition in October!

The eTRANSAFE project aims at improving the safety assessment across the drug discovery and development process by applying bioinformatics approaches to shared preclinical and clinical data to systematically analyse the translatability of effects. Thus, enabling the optimisation of resources and the development of safer medicines.

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